Change Css Of Footer Row Cgridview

Hi guys. I search a lot about how can i change the css of my footer row but no results.

That´s a part of my code of cgridview:







If i use the property class of htmlOptions, the entire cell is affected but the footer row still the same.

I would like for exemple change the color or size of my footer row. How can i do that?

Thank you!


Use headerOptionsDetail

or footerHtmlOptions.

See also:

Example excerpt from CGridView - apply CSS class bgwhite to all footer cells:



		'name' => 'adate',

		'value' => ' ATT_DATA_DAILY::getAdateWithDay($data->adate) ."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"rowid\" value=\"".$data->id."\" />" ',

		'type' => 'raw',

		'filter' => $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', array(







				'changeYear' => 'true',

				'changeMonth' => 'true',

				'yearRange' => '2014:'.(date('Y')),



		), true),

		'footerHtmlOptions'=> array('class' => 'bgwhite'),



		'name' => 'atime',

		'value' => ' preg_match("/^(\d+:\d+):\d+$/", $data->atime, $match) ? $match[1] : $data->atime; ',

		'footerHtmlOptions'=> array('class' => 'bgwhite'),

