Generate Report Using Doccy Extension

i am trying to generate a set of reports using the doccy extension,

in view:

echo CHtml::checkBoxList('letter', '', array('pletter'=>'Letter To Parents','out'=>'Out of Class Letter'), array('multiple'=>true), array('separator'=>'')); 

in the controller:





	foreach ($_POST['letter'] as $letters){

	   if($letters == 'out'){

		$this->actionOutOfClass($model->studentID, $model->periodID, $model->behavGroupID, $model->assignDate);


	   if($letters == 'pletter'){

		$this->actionLetter($model->studentID, $model->category, $model->behavGroupID, $model->ActionID, $model->assignDate);






public function actionLetter($studentID, $category, $behavior, $action, $startDate)


		$catName = Category::model()->find('color = \'' . $category . '\'')->name;

		$actionName = Action::model()->find('ID = \'' . $action . '\'')->E_Name;


		$behavior = Behaviorgroup::model()->find('ID = \'' . $behavior . '\'')->A_BGName;


		$studentInfo = Student::model()->find('Student_Number = \'' . $studentID . '\'');

		$StudentName = $studentInfo->E_Child_Name . " " . $studentInfo->F_Father_Name . " " . $studentInfo->E_Family_Name;

		$num = 2;

		$date = date("Y-m-d");


		$this->doccy->newFile('Templates/Letter_Template.docx'); // template.docx must be located in protected/views/report/template.docx where "report" is the name of the controller from which is renderDocx called (alternatively you must configure option "templatePath")

		$this->doccy->phpdocx->assign("#TITLE1#","$num"); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values

		$this->doccy->phpdocx->assign("#Date#","$date"); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values

		$this->doccy->phpdocx->assign("#StudentName#","$StudentName"); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values

		$this->doccy->phpdocx->assign("#Degree#","$catName"); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values

		$this->doccy->phpdocx->assign("#Behavior#","$behavior"); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values

		$this->doccy->phpdocx->assign("#Action#","$actionName"); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values

		$this->doccy->phpdocx->assign("#startDate#","$startDate"); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values

		$this->renderDocx("Letter.docx", true); // use $forceDownload=false in order to (just) store file in the outputPath folder.



	public function actionOutOfClass($studentID, $period, $behavior, $startDate)


		$behavior = Behaviorgroup::model()->find('ID = \'' . $behavior . '\'')->A_BGName;


		$matiere = Matiere::model()->find('Subject_Code = \'' . $period . '\'')->E_Subject_Name;


		$studentInfo = Student::model()->find('Student_Number = \'' . $studentID . '\'');

		$StudentName = $studentInfo->E_Child_Name . " " . $studentInfo->F_Father_Name . " " . $studentInfo->E_Family_Name;


		$num = 2;

		$date = date("Y-m-d");


		$this->doccy->newFile('Templates/Out_Of_Class_Template.docx'); // template.docx must be located in protected/views/report/template.docx where "report" is the name of the controller from which is renderDocx called (alternatively you must configure option "templatePath")

		$this->doccy->phpdocx->assign("#TITLE1#","$num"); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values

		$this->doccy->phpdocx->assign("#Date#","$date"); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values

		$this->doccy->phpdocx->assign("#StudentName#","$StudentName"); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values

		$this->doccy->phpdocx->assign("#Degree#","$matiere"); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values

		$this->doccy->phpdocx->assign("#Behavior#","$behavior"); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values

		$this->doccy->phpdocx->assign("#startDate#","$startDate"); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values

		$this->renderDocx("OutOfClass.docx", true); // use $forceDownload=false in order to (just) store file in the outputPath folder.


but i have a problem with the render. in the same action there is 3 render

render to view and the renderdocx in the letter action and out of class action

how to fix this

i need to generate 1 or 2 reports and then render to the view page and this is impossible with this code

it either redirect me to the view page, or generate the report (if i select the 2 reports in the view page via the checkbox, it generate one report and not the both two)

can anybody help me?

thank you4463
