standart CCaptcha upgrade


I use standard CCaptha with little upgrade for write resresh img text after needle ID , not after img ID (default).

But after each Yii update codes must be updated.

All update in the attached file.

It file from 1.0.9.

look at rows 80, 122, 123.


No file attached :)

You should also maybe try to extend CCaptcha instead of changing the framework code. That way you’re much more upgrade safe!


You are right, but i think this update can be useful for write templates not only for me

No more risk, code here:



 * CCaptcha class file.


 * @author Qiang Xue <>

 * @link

 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2009 Yii Software LLC

 * @license



 * CCaptcha renders a CAPTCHA image element.


 * CCaptcha is used together with {@link CCaptchaAction} to provide {@link CAPTCHA}

 * - a way of preventing site spam.


 * The image element rendered by CCaptcha will display a CAPTCHA image generated

 * by an action of class {@link CCaptchaAction} belonging to the current controller.

 * By default, the action ID should be 'captcha', which can be changed by setting {@link captchaAction}.


 * CCaptcha may also render a button next to the CAPTCHA image. Clicking on the button

 * will change the CAPTCHA image to be a new one in an AJAX way.


 * Since version 1.0.8, if {@link clickableImage} is set true, clicking on the CAPTCHA image

 * will refresh the CAPTCHA.


 * A {@link CCaptchaValidator} may be used to validate that the user enters

 * a verification code matching the code displayed in the CAPTCHA image.


 * @author Qiang Xue <>

 * @version $Id: CCaptcha.php 1368 2009-08-28 17:36:49Z qiang.xue $

 * @package system.web.widgets.captcha

 * @since 1.0


class CCaptcha extends CWidget



	 * @var string the ID of the action that should provide CAPTCHA image. Defaults to 'captcha',

	 * meaning the 'captcha' action of the current controller. This property may also

	 * be in the format of 'ControllerID/ActionID'. Underneath, this property is used

	 * by {@link CController::createUrl} to create the URL that would serve the CAPTCHA image.

	 * The action has to be of {@link CCaptchaAction}.


	public $captchaAction='captcha';


	 * @var boolean whether to display a button next to the CAPTCHA image. Clicking on the button

	 * will cause the CAPTCHA image to be changed to a new one. Defaults to true.


	public $showRefreshButton=true;


	 * @var boolean whether to allow clicking on the CAPTCHA image to refresh the CAPTCHA letters.

	 * Defaults to false. Hint: you may want to set {@link showRefreshButton} to false if you set

	 * this property to be true because they serve for the same purpose.

	 * To enhance accessibility, you may set {@link imageOptions} to provide hints to end-users that

	 * the image is clickable.

	 * @since 1.0.8


	public $clickableImage=false;


	 * @var string the label for the refresh button. Defaults to 'Get a new code'.


	public $buttonLabel;


	 * @var string the type of the refresh button. This should be either 'link' or 'button'.

	 * The former refers to hyperlink button while the latter a normal push button.

	 * Defaults to 'link'.


	public $buttonType='link';


	 * @var array HTML attributes to be applied to the rendered image element.


	public $imageOptions=array();


	 * @var array HTML attributes to be applied to the rendered refresh button element.


	public $buttonOptions=array();


	 * @var string HTML id attribute  for write  Refresh code  after this id


	public $afterId;


	 * Renders the widget.


	public function run()






	 * Renders the CAPTCHA image.


	protected function renderImage()








		echo CHtml::image($url,$alt,$this->imageOptions);



	 * Registers the needed client scripts.

	 * @since 1.0.2


	public function registerClientScript()










			$label=$this->buttonLabel===null?Yii::t('yii','Get a new code'):$this->buttonLabel;



		    $afterId = $this->afterId===null?"'img#".$id."'": "'#".$this->afterId."'";	













