Foreach As Function


I have Join function:

  public function getFormQuest() {

        $select = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()


                ->from('quest_open p')

                ->join('odp_open_form o', '')

                ->where('form_id=' . $this->id . '')



And in view :

<?php $model->getFormQuest();?>

How i can get foreach in view, where my question must by render.


You have to return the array then only you can get array in view and then using forwach loop u can retrive data.

your function shold be like this as follow:

  public function getFormQuest() {

        $select = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()


                ->from('quest_open p')

                ->join('odp_open_form o', '')

                ->where('form_id=' . $this->id . '')


        return $select;


And in view :



How i can get foreach in view, where my question must by render.


Now i do that, but in view doesn;t render my question.

But when i do that:

public function getFormQuest() {

        $select = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()


                ->from('quest_open p')

                ->join('odp_open_form o', '')

                ->where('form_id=' . $this->id . '')




I get in view:

array (size=3)

  0 => 

    array (size=1)

      'question' => string 'question 1?' (length=11)

  1 => 

    array (size=1)

      'question' => string 'question 2?' (length=11)

  2 => 

    array (size=1)

      'question' => string 'question 3?' (length=11)

public function getFormQuest() {

    &#036;select = Yii::app()-&gt;db-&gt;createCommand()


            -&gt;from('quest_open p')

            -&gt;join('odp_open_form o', '')

            -&gt;where('form_id=' . &#036;this-&gt;id . '')


    return &#036;select;


and in the view file


&#036;data = &#036;model-&gt;getFormQuest();



This will 100% work…I have tried …

yeah man :) its works :) Sorry .

I now have that:

Question 1

replies for question 1

replies for question 2

replies for question 3

Question 2

replies for question 1

replies for question 2

replies for question 3

Question 3

replies for question 1

replies for question 2

replies for question 3

I need :

Question 1

replies for question 1

Question 2

replies for question 2

Question 3

replies for question 3