Update All With Sccope


I need to use scope for updateAll , but in guide I see

So I cannot use it in updateAll ;

Because scope is the best option for me (In this case) to DRY(Don’t Repeat Yourself) , I have to use scope

I think for this problem and find solution

I do this to

$criteria = Post::model()->Scope1()->Scope2()->Scope3()->Scope4()->getDbCriteria();

Post::model()->updateAll(array('visit' =>new CDbExpression('visit+1')),$criteria);

Because in UPDATE query Yii dont define t and main table alias , I have this error

How can I solve problem ??

Don’t let the DRY principle restrict you - if you need to write a criteria then do it.

Also, take a look here - http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/1.1/CActiveRecord#updateCounters-detail

Beecause in future I will change Scopes and I use these Scopes repetitively , If I want write a new criteria in future I have big issue

Thanks for http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/1.1/CActiveRecord#updateCounters-detail , it’s better than updateAll

but I have suitable criteria , This is good trick

$criteria = Post::model()->Scope1()->Scope2()->Scope3()->Scope4()->getDbCriteria();

Post::model()->updateAll(array('visit' =>new CDbExpression('visit+1')),$criteria);

the problem is t alias , because in UPDATE query yii dont define alias

Who have Idea??

I just wrote a Wiki about this: http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/728/using-updateall-and-deleteall-with-scopes/ .