Cgridview Filter Reset Error - After Clicking In Pager

This applies for CGridView, TbGridView on Safari, Chrome and Mozilla browsers. No idea about other browsers

I am able to display the results in grid view, filter is working fine and page control is working fine but in the below scenario , I am not able unselect the selected filter value.

  1. Open Grid page

  2. Filter a Column

  3. Click on the Page control to Navigate.

  4. Change filter (This step is not working) - Filter value is not changing until I refresh the page(until calling the action again)

Does any one experienced the same issue ? It looks like a bug?

I haven’t run into this issue. Can you post your relevant view/controller/model code?

I also have this problem.

You have to repeat the filter after switching to another page (Gridview Page Navigate).

Detail code for this bug:


public function actionAdmin($case = 'normal')


	if ($case == 'normal')


		$model = new MBPGeneral('search');


		if (isset($_GET['MBPGeneral']))

			$model->attributes = $_GET['MBPGeneral'];


		$this->render('admin', array(

			'model' => $model,






$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(

	'id'           => 'bp_general_grid',

	'dataProvider' => $model->search(),

	'filter'       => $model,

	'columns'      => array(




)); ?>


Using a [size=2]browser inspector, what URL is the grid sending its update to a[/size][size=2]fter setting the filter and paging to a new page? Any 404s?[/size]

My results after testing:

1. Search page 1:


2. No search on page 1:


3. Switch page 2:


4. Search on page 2:
