Retrieving Results Using Ar Find And Findall

Hi, to determine if any records are returned using find() and findAll(), I see that when nothing is returned using find(), that a NULL is returned. When nothing is found using findAll, that an empty array is returned.

Is this the best way to determine if records are returned?:

$var=SomeModelClass::model()->find($condition, $params);

if ($var !== null) 

    // Check if a single record is returned.

$var=SomeModelClass::model()->findAll($condition, $params);

if (!empty($var))

   // Check for returned records

Thanks for any advice.

Larry Z.

For arrays, I tend to use count(), although you can get away with just using the array as a boolean expression - it will be treated as false if it is empty and true otherwise. If you want consistency, you can therefore do this:

$var=SomeModelClass::model()->find($condition, $params);

if ($var) 

    // Check if a single record is returned.

$var=SomeModelClass::model()->findAll($condition, $params);

if ($var)

   // Check for returned records

If you want to make the code slightly more readable, you could do this:

$var=SomeModelClass::model()->find($condition, $params);

if ($var !== null) 

    // Check if a single record is returned.

$var=SomeModelClass::model()->findAll($condition, $params);

if (count($var))

   // Check for returned records

As an aside, I tend to code these sorts of checks using more of a guard pattern. Actual example from the top of an action:

    public function actionEdit($userId)


        $user = User::model()->findByPk($userId);

        if (!$user)

            throw new CHttpException(404, 'User not found.');



Actually if (!empty($var) works in both cases, so I’m just using that.

Thanks Keith

Larry Z