Yii-User Image Widget

This is a quick solution for the yii-user module to show the user images site wide. It’s nothing fancy. You can resize the image in any view file.

First this is not an image uploading widget so you must have your own uploader/image handler and it must store image paths in your database. I will show you how i did it with yii-attachment-behavior.

create a new file under protected ext and call it yiiuserimg and add the following file to it.

The widget



Default image I was using.



in action



Create a new field in your database like so

ALTER TABLE `contacts` ADD `filename` text NOT NULL; //filename would be what ever you want your column called for your images.

Go into the YiiUserImg.php file and edit your image paths and column name.

in your view files add

<?php $this->widget('ext.yiiuserimg.YiiUserImg', array(


			'style' => 'width: 80px; height: 80px;',//you have other options too; look in the php file.


		)); ?>

If you have a way to upload images in absolute paths your finished.

If you don’t have a way to upload images keep reading I’ll show you how to use yii-attachment-behavior

Download yii-attachment-behavior GIT HUB or use the link above to get it from Yii website. The GIT is more up to date. If you have problems with this just read the post on the yii page for it. Install it as instructed.

Next you will have to go into:

protected/modules/user/models/user.php add the following as instructed in yii-attachment-behavior:

	public function rules()


             ....other settings

	     array('filename', 'unsafe'), //remember filename is your db table name you set above.


	public function attributeLabels()


		return array(

			....other settings

			'filename' => UserModule::t("Profile Picture"),



public function behaviors()


	    return array(

		'image' => array(

		    'class' => 'ext.AttachmentBehavior.AttachmentBehavior',

		    # Should be a DB field to store path/filename

		    'attribute' => 'filename',//change filename to whatever the column in your db is called.

		    # Default image to return if no image path is found in the DB

		    'fallback_image' => 'images/users/profile/default.png',

		    'path' => "images/users/:model/:id.:ext",

		    'processors' => array(


				    # Currently GD Image Processor and Imagick Supported

				    'class' => 'GDProcessor',

				    'method' => 'resize',

				    'params' => array(

					'width' => 250,

					'height' => 250,

					'keepratio' => true




		    'styles' => array(

			# name => size 

			# use ! if you would like 'keepratio' => false

			'thumb' => '!100x100',





next go into protected/modules/user/views/admin/_form.php and add the following where ever you what the upload link to be. Note: change filename to whatever the column in your db is called.

	<div class="row">

		<?php echo CHtml::activeLabelEx($model,'filename'); ?>

		<?php echo CHtml::activefileField($model,'filename'); ?>

		<?php echo CHtml::error($model,'filename'); ?>


this form should already be


but double check to make sure.

Make sure you included the widget in your view files / layouts whatever as shown above.

That is it. Have fun!

I was asked how I did the comments like the image. Read my post on the page it has all of my styles and my modifications:

Comments Ext

Please note: if you are only going to call the image widget in one place you could always just use it without the widget to reduce the number of calls. Also, it doesn’t have to be an absolute path it’s just how I have it and didn’t want to confuse anyone new!


        $userObject = Yii::app()->getModule('user')->user(); //Renders the current user's id

        $defaultimgbaseurl = Yii::app()->baseUrl.'/images/users/User/default.png'; //Path to your default image location and image name!

        $imgbaseurl = Yii::app()->baseUrl.'/'; 

        $userimg = $imgbaseurl.''.$userObject->filename;  //Renders the current user's image path.  Filename is what I call my file path in my Users Model.  It can be called anything just make sure you chage it everywhere.

        $imagelink = $imgbaseurl.''.$userObject->filename; //user image


        if (empty($userObject->filename)) //if image column in your database is empty 


        echo "<img src=$userimgalt>";//render the default image 


        else //if it's not empty 


        echo "<img src=$imagelink>"; //render the user image


; ?>