Cgrid And Csqlprovider Undefined Index: Id Error

Hi Im using CgridView with CSqlProvider with it

here is my controller file action index:

public function actionIndex()




$sql="SELECT empid, firstname, middlename, lastname, title, course FROM Students";

$rowcountsql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Students";

$command = $connection->createCommand($rowcountsql);

$count=$command->queryScalar(); // provide count for pagination

// create data provider that works with CGridView

$dataProvider=new CSqlDataProvider($sql, array(









My index view file:


$this->widget(‘zii.widgets.grid.CGridView’, array(







‘firstname:html:First Name’,

‘lastname:html:Last Name’,






)); ?>

and after that I received an error;

PHP notice

Undefined index: id


Check this:

so this means that I should only use tables with id as its primarykey?

Oh I solved the problem:



$sql="SELECT empid, firstname, middlename, lastname, title, course FROM Students";

$rowcountsql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Students";

$command = $connection->createCommand($rowcountsql);

$count=$command->queryScalar(); // provide count for pagination

// create data provider that works with CGridView

$dataProvider=new CSqlDataProvider($sql, array(

'keyField' =&gt; &#036;key,








I needto declarethe keyfield valueto my empid field,

Thanks a lot!! :rolleyes: