Pagination Using A Dropdown


Is there any way I can achieve pagination that uses a dropdown and two buttons (next & previous)?

Hey. Are u still looking for this answer?

Mike already solved that a while ago… check this thread -

Dear Friend

I do not know whether there is any extension available for this purpose.

I have made a successful attempt on this.

Yet still it is primitive and can be refined further.

I have created a custom class for pager and placed inside the components folder.

class DropPager extends CBasePager


	public function run()

	{//creating dropDownList and next and previous buttons.

	echo CHtml::button("<Previous",array("id"=>"prev","disabled"=>$this->currentPage==0?true:false));

        echo CHtml::dropDownList("value",$this->currentPage+1,$this->getPageArray(),array("id"=>"drop"));

        echo CHtml::button("Next>",array("id"=>"next","disabled"=>$this->currentPage+1!==$this->pageCount?false:true));




	public function getPageArray() //generating source array for dropdownlist.

	{   $arr=array();






		return $arr;	



	public function registerScript()



	    function updateGrid()


		var val=$("#drop").val();







			$("#drop").val(parseFloat($("#drop").val()) +1);












In the above script I am selecting the grid element by


Kindly check by looking at html elements in your case.

Now in admin.php we have declare the two things.


2.pager class.


<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(




	"template"=>"\n{pager}{summary}\n{items}",//to lift the pager on th top of the grid.

	'pager'=>'DropPager',                      //Our new pager class.









)); ?>

This is not a complete solution.

It is not replacement for CLinkPager.

The beutiful thing about CLinkPager is that it works even AJAX is disabled.

My DropPager can be refined to a greater extent.

This is screenshot of a grid with pageSize 4 from my localhost.




Thanks to seenivasan. pretty good solution.

I had changed yours and mixed up with page size solution at DropDown for pageSize in CGridView.

So you will have a component which has both page size and page number with dropDowns.

Also an optimization is done for huge data. seenivasan solution produce a very large drop down includes page numbers. My optimization will generate page numbers as: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 101, 201, 301, … unless values around current page.

Here is the component source:


class DropPager extends CBasePager {

    public function run() {//creating dropDownList and next and previous buttons.

        echo Yii::t('main', 'Page Number:');

        echo CHtml::button("<Previous", array("id" => "prev", "disabled" => $this->currentPage == 0 ? true : false));

        echo CHtml::dropDownList("pageNumber", $this->currentPage + 1, $this->getPageArray(), array("id" => "pageNumberDrop"));

        echo CHtml::button("Next>", array("id" => "next", "disabled" => $this->currentPage + 1 !== $this->pageCount ? false : true));

        echo "&nbsp;|&nbsp;";

        echo Yii::t('main', 'Page Size:');

        echo CHtml::dropDownList("pageSize", $this->pageSize, $this->getPageSizeArray(), array("id" => "pageSizeDrop"));



    public function getPageArray() { //generating source array for dropdownlist.

        $arr = array();

        $step = 1;

        for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->pageCount; $i+= $step) {

            if ($i >= $this->currentPage - 10 && $i - $step < $this->currentPage)


                $start = max(array($this->currentPage - 10, 1));

                $finish= min(array($this->pageCount, $this->currentPage + 10));

                for ($i = $start; $i < $finish ; $i++) {

                    $arr[$i] = $i;



            if ($step * 10 < $i) $step *= 10;

            $arr[$i] = $i;


        return $arr;



    private function getPageSizeArray() {

        $result = array(5 => 5, 10 => 10, 20 => 20, 50 => 50, 100 => 100);

        return $result;


    public function registerScript() {

        Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('dropPager', '

            function updateGrid()


                pageNumber= parseInt($("#pageNumberDrop").val());

                var pageSize = $("#pageSizeDrop").val();

                var $x = $("#pageNumberDrop").parent().parent().yiiGridView("update",{data:{' . 

                $this->pages->pageVar . ':pageNumber, ' .








                        $("#pageNumberDrop").val(parseFloat($("#pageNumberDrop").val()) +1);













In actionAdmin() at controller:

if (isset($_GET['pageSize'])) {


    unset($_GET['pageSize']);  // would interfere with pager and repetitive page size change


In search() method at model:

return new CActiveDataProvider(get_class($this),array(


        'pageSize'=> Yii::app()->user->getState('pageSize'),




Now you just should set the pager of CGrid view in admin view:

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(




        "template"=>"\n{pager}{summary}\n{items}",//to lift the pager on th top of the grid.

        'pager'=>'DropPager',                      //Our new pager class.









)); ?>