Problem Relations On Seach()

Let’s start with my tables:

create table IF NOT EXISTS module (

    id              int         not null primary key auto_increment,

    name         varchar(50) not null


create table IF NOT EXISTS status (

    id              int         not null primary key auto_increment,

    name         varchar(50) not null


create table IF NOT EXISTS module_status (

    id              int         not null primary key auto_increment,

    module_id       int         not null,

    status_id       int         not null,

    foreign key (module_id) references module (id),

    foreign key (status_id) references status (id)


create table IF NOT EXISTS company (

    id              int         not null primary key auto_increment,

    name            varchar(100) not null,

    cnpj            varchar(14) not null unique,

    phone           varchar(14),

    email           varchar(100),

    module_status_id int not null,

    foreign key (module_status_id) references module_status (id)


For each module have many status and one status can be on many company

What I want is, on company/admin.php make possible to see the and filter them.

Soo what i tried to do:

public function search()


        $criteria=new CDbCriteria;










        $criteria->compare('', $this->moduleStatus->status->id, true);



        return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(




The error came on this line:

        $criteria->compare('', $this->moduleStatus->status->id, true);

The error:

  Trying to get property of non-object

Anyone could help me?

I would do it like this, far more efficient:

Just substitute what I have used as "organisations" with your "status" table data.

Here is another way:

Thx for the reply, I tried to do as you on your blog but something went wrong.

I’d like to know better why you did like that, and there is a way to do like I was trying?

It depends on the data, but the essential idea is to execute a single query, rather than a query for every single grid row being returned.