Column For Each Item Of Array In Cgridview

I have two related models

class EmailTemplate extends CActiveRecord


public function relations()


	return array(

		'emailTemplateContents' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'EmailTemplateContent', 'email_template_id'),





{id, name}



{id, email_template_id, locale, subject, body}

class EmailTemplateContent extends CActiveRecord


public function relations()


	return array(

		'emailTemplate' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'EmailTemplate', 'email_template_id'),




in admin.php for EmailTemplate I have this CGridView

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(


	'dataProvider'=>$model->search($EmailTemplateContentEn, $EmailTemplateContentNl),






			'header'=>'Subject en',





			'header'=>'Body en',





			'header'=>'Subject nl',





			'header'=>'Body nl',








)); ?>

This is works but can someone tell me if there is easier way to do this. What if there were 10 not 2 locales.

I would display email_template_content in view.php of emailTemplate

If you want to show mail bodies of all 10 languages, I expect it will mess up your gridview

10 languages is just an example. Thera are just 2 of them. I thinking there should be easier way to do this.

No one can help me??

You may always fill your ‘columns’ array in a loop :)

One more variant - write class or method to fill it.

Or write custom implementation, using your own class for columns render - you’ll need to extend CGridColumn class - take a look at /framework/zii/grid classes code for examples and better understanding what to exactly to do to implement your idea.