Using Jquery To Compute And Assign Value To Textfield

I wanted to compute the price on the item based on the price listed on the database every time quantity textfield changes.

view javascript

jQuery("#RequestDetails_quantity").change(function computePrice(event){


	<?php echo CHtml::ajax(array(


            'data'=> "js:$(this).serialize()",





            	var total = price * (\"#RequestDetails_quantity\").val();


                if (data.status == 'failure')


                    alert('Failed to cancel ' + data.request_number + '.');

                } else {




            } ",



    return false; 



	public function actionComputePrice($id) {

		$result = array();

		if (isset($id)) {

			$itemModel = Item::model()->FindByPk($id);

			if ($itemModel !== null) {

					$result = array(




			}else {

					$result = array(






		echo CJSON::encode($result);


any thoughts on this issue? any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

here is a re factored version of your javasript

jQuery("#RequestDetails_quantity").change(function computePrice(event){



        	url: <?php echo CController::createUrl('//po/local/requestDetails/computePrice','id'=>$childModel->item_id); ?>,

        	data: $(this).serialize(),

        	type: "POST",

        	dataType: "json",

        	sucess: function(data) {

        		 var total = price * $("#RequestDetails_quantity").val();


                if (data.status == 'failure')


                    alert('Failed to cancel ' + data.request_number + '.');

                } else {







you dont have to return false e.prevenDefault() does the very same thing

thank you for the effort but it’s still not working.

I did not know that you were having problem I thought you were asking for review here it is

// my controller

public function actionComputePrice() 


		$result = array("total" => 10 + $_POST["qty"], "status"=>"OK");

		echo CJSON::encode($result);


// my routes under urlManger







// my view

<?php Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCoreScript("jquery"); ?>

<script type="text/javascript">




                url: "<?php echo CController::createUrl('/po/local/requestDetails/computePrice'); ?>",

                data: $(this).serialize(),

                type: "post",

                dataType: "json",

                success: function(data) {

		            if (data.status === 'failure') {

		               $('#new_price').val('Error request failed.');

		            } else {










I tested the code it works

It worked! thanks.

glad could help you







Hello Wer do i add this code plz explain in detail thank you in advnce…!!!

In your config file, under the URL Manager component