[Extensions] jqgrid working example

Good morning,

spend the last day and tryed to get different issues working with the jqgrid-extension from Meta-Yii on Yii 1.0.7.

For some reason I still do not understand, I do not get some features to work.

Here is what I have done so far:

  • installed extension as insturcted to folder extension

  • placed php-file in root to retrieve data from mysql

  • the grid is called from a page where you have to be logged in based on the code provided in the extensions documentation

  • checked yii-forum, jqgrid-site, google etc.

  • played around with jqgrid options

  • compared with pogostick extension

Working results:

  • grid is displayed with loaded data

  • sorting and pager are working

  • after replacing single jqgrid-js-files with actual jquery-1.3.2.min.js search-field is working (except for reset -> filter will remain until page-reload with F5)

  • added some java-script code to implement a link for a messagebox displaying the id of the row selected (working)

Unfortunately all the other features like add, delete, edit (navbar) are not working. I. e. if I press the "add"-button in the navbar an emty window is opening. It looks for me as there is no id posted to the add-window.

In addition (because I yet did not find any time) I am wondering about the best way to store the made changes back to the mysql-database. The data comes from 3 diffent database tables (AR generated by the yii-application) and should be display with subgrids/master-detail.

It would be great if you could give me some advice. I then could build a sample application with the possible functions which could be provided with the documentation or on this forum.

Looking forward to your responses


Okay, think it was a typo, argh!

Will check.

Let me know, if there is need for an example mini-project to be published.
