Using buttons in same form to trigger different controller actions

If I have a form with a few buttons in it, is there a way I can change the action which is run on the controller when the button is clicked without using javascript?

I am trying to create a toolbar.

In same form, I'm using this way:

<?php echo CHtml::form('index.php?r=eventos/addEvent1'); ?>

  input name



<?php echo CHtml::form('index.php?r=eventos/addEvent2'); ?>

  input date



"eventos" is my EventosController.php and inside it I add the actions:

// get form1

public function actionAddEvent1()


  // just a test

  echo $_POST['name'];


get form2

public function actionAddEvent2()


  // just a test

  echo $_POST['date'];


I hope this helps you

Just call a wrapper action and then select the action

public function actionWrapper(){







I'd recommend you to have ONE action for the whole toolbar and multiple submethods to handle each button's clicks. Remember: one form = one action.