jqrelcopy and Combobox

Hey guys,

So, I’m using the Combobox ( http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/combobox ) and want that to work with jqrelcopy ( http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/jqrelcopy/ ) or anything that can copy all the form fields really… But for now, I’m looking at jqrelcopy as it seems quite nice for this purpose of copying form fields.

I’m trying to understand the deal with ‘jsBeforeNewId’ and ‘jsAfterNewId’ attributes… so I thought, while I’m trying to figure this out, I thought I post here in case anyone here might already have a solution or any kind of hint of what needs to be done to make jqlrecopy work with the Combobox widget.

When I do use this now, the id doesn’t seem to change for the new copy. Also, parts of the settings needs to change too, to point to the new copies.
