EJuiDateTimePicker to use only time no date

Hello friends

I have used EJuiDateTimePicker extension for date and time, but at one field i need to use only time no date to be allowed. so please help me out to sort this out.

Thanks in advance



I’m using CJuiDatePicker (not EJuiDateTimePicker) but I suspect this is relevant.

I was in a need to customize CJuiDatePicker widget appearance/UI and basically did this:

$this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', array(

			'attribute' => 'searchDateFrom',

			'model' => $model,

			'value' => $model->searchDateFrom,

			'options' => array(

				'changeMonth' => 'true',

				'changeYear' => 'true',

				'showAnim' => 'clip',

				// more options... . see text below this code snippet




You’ll need to have a look at the amazing list of configurable options of the JuiDatePicker at their site: http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/ (Click on “Options” tab below).