
hi yii community,

i cant get the extension nestedsetbehavior to work.

What i want is to create a child node to a root node with calling category/create.

BUT when appendTo() method is called nothing happens.

I use yii v1.1.10 and this tutorial:

model code

public function rules()


		return array();


    public function behaviors()


      return array(









controller code:

public function actionIndex()


		$model = Category::model();


		$categories=$model->findAll('id<>'. 1);



			'categories' => $categories,



public function actionCreate()


		$model=new Category;




			echo $_POST['Category']['id'] . '<br />';

			echo $_POST['Category']['title'] . '<br />';


			$root = Category::model()->findByPk(1);


			$element=new Category;




index view code:




	foreach($categories as $n=>$category)



			echo CHtml::closeTag('li')."\n";

		else if($category->level>$level)

			echo CHtml::openTag('ul')."\n";



			echo CHtml::closeTag('li')."\n";



				echo CHtml::closeTag('ul')."\n";

				echo CHtml::closeTag('li')."\n";



		echo CHtml::openTag('li');

		echo CHtml::encode($category->title);





		echo CHtml::closeTag('li')."\n";

		echo CHtml::closeTag('ul')."\n";



	echo CHtml::link('Root Element erstellen', CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('create')));


_form view code:



		$dataArr = array();

		$combo_populate = Category::model()->findAll();


		foreach($combo_populate as $comboVal)


			array_push($dataArr, $comboVal['title']);



		echo CHtml::label('Nach folgendem Element einfügen:','title');

		$this->widget('ext.combobox.EJuiComboBox', array(

			'model' => Category::model(),

			'attribute' => 'id',

			'data' => $dataArr,

			'options' => array(

				'onSelect' => '',

				'onChange' => 'alert("changed value : " + $(this).val());',

				'allowText' => true,




	<div class="row">

		<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'title'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->textField($model,'title',array('size'=>60,'maxlength'=>100)); ?>

		<?php echo $form->error($model,'title'); ?>


	<div class="row buttons">

		<?php echo CHtml::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Save'); ?>


Is someone out there who can help me with this?

thanks in advance :)

Edit: "appendTo" works now :confused: and if you want to delete a node: $element->deleteNode() …i dont know why the delete function isnt listed in tut?

the solution here: