validate rule by action

Hi there,

I’m newbie of Yii.

I would like to validate the filed by action.


public function rules()


		// NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that

		// will receive user inputs.

		return array(

			array('department_id' , 'required', 'on'=>'createsection', 'message'=>'Please select a department'),

			array('department_id' , 'required', 'on'=>'updatesection', 'message'=>'Please select a department')			




public function actionCreatesection()


		$model=new Department;



public function actionUpdatesection($id)





when I call the action, the validator are not validate. How should I validate the field by action?


Thu Ra

‘on’ refers to models scenario, not action…

use this instead:

public function actionCreatesection()


                $model=new Department;

                $model->scenario = 'createsection';



public function actionUpdatesection($id)



                $model->scenario = 'updatesection';



Thank you alot