Autocomplete textfield validation

Client validation works perfectly in a textfield for form, but if i change the textfield to an autocomplete it validates even if all rules are matched.

Below is my view form

<div class="form">

<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', 





    )); ?>


    <?php echo $form->errorSummary($model_one); ?>

        <div class="row">

                <?php echo $form->labelEx($model_one,'employee_full_name'); ?>

        <?php $this->widget('CAutoComplete',


                    //name of the html field that will be generated





                    'max'=>10, //specifies the max number of items to display

                    'minChars'=>2,//specifies the number of chars that must be entered before autocomplete initiates a lookup

                    'delay'=>100, //number of milliseconds before lookup occurs

                    'matchCase'=>false, //match case when performing a lookup?

                    //any additional html attributes that go inside of the input field can be defined here




                    echo CHtml::hiddenField('user_id');


                <?php echo $form->error($model_one,'employee_full_name'); ?>



    <div class="row submit">

        <?php echo CHtml::submitButton('Get Employee Data'); ?>



<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>

I got it working…for those who are interested what was the problem, my autocomplete textfield id was not matching the required id…so i added id attribute to my autocomplete…here it is:



                    //name of the html field that will be generated





                    'max'=>10, //specifies the max number of items to display

                    'minChars'=>2,//specifies the number of chars that must be entered before autocomplete initiates a lookup

                    'delay'=>100, //number of milliseconds before lookup occurs

                    'matchCase'=>false, //match case when performing a lookup?

                    //any additional html attributes that go inside of the input field can be defined here




                    echo CHtml::hiddenField('user_id');