Https + login

Hi Guys,

I follow the https only allow at login page not overall page. That is good news but somehow it always say can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost when i click the https://.../login page and other pages still work fine using http. Anyone face this problem before?

My code below


class HttpsFilter extends CFilter {

    protected function preFilter( $filterChain ) {

        if ( !Yii::app()->getRequest()->isSecureConnection ) {

            # Redirect to the secure version of the page.

            $url = 'https://' .

                Yii::app()->getRequest()->serverName .



            return false;


        return true;




class Controller extends CController


    public $breadcrumbs=array();

    public function filterHttps( $filterChain ) {

        $filter = new HttpsFilter;

        $filter->filter( $filterChain );




public function filters()


    return array(

        'https +login', // Force https, but only on login page



Helpss is needed. Thx.

Your question is not clear, you want https to be enabled in all pages?, What is your server configuration whether you installed ssl in localhost?

Hi suriyansuresh,

Sorry for my bad english. I want user to pass through https:// method for login page and other pages using http. The source for Jaburo net can work but some how it always say can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost when i click the https://.../login page.

What is your server configuration whether you installed ssl in localhost? 

I now using apache as server configuration.

Can tell me what is the configuration step for apache if want install ssl in localhost?? I find some method but it still can’t work.

Pls helpss.

Hi guys,

Anyone know how to solve this problems? Appreciate your help. Thx.