[ASK] How to make collapsible menu like this

Hello everybody…

i’ve been search how to make collapsible menu with any extension but nothing’s found…

please help me to find what extension is use to make collaps and expandable menu like this…





thanks anyway bro…

You can use portlets and make them collapsible:

  • extension slidetoggle

  • extension ecollapse

i’m using ecollapse now, but how to use cportlet on that extension?

the example is using

<div class=collapse>, <h3>, <li> and <ul> to initiate the collapsible menu.

please give me some example how to use portlet bro…

I only can tell how to do this with the extension slidetoggle


 * This will make all portlets in a view collapsible, expanded by default.





    'itemSelector' => '.portlet',

    'titleSelector' => '.portlet-decoration',

    //'collapsed' => '.portlet', //uncomment to show all collapsed
