How to check if model have perticular property or not

I am creating one common function in one model. This model will be extended to all other models.

Now i want something like below: I want to check weather the model have createdDate field or not. Below code is not working.

public function beforeSave()



			die('this model have createdDate field');


			die('this model does not have createdDate field');


Can anyone please help me to correct this code.

There is a property_exists function in php.

I have used it as below. But it is giving me false even createdDate exist.

class MasterAdmin extends CActiveRecord


    public function beforeSave()


		echo '<pre>';

		var_dump(property_exists($this, 'createdDate')); 




property_exists will only check that class’s public variable. But here i have extended CActiveRecord class. So database’s field will dynamically added, so i am not sure how to check this condition.


This should do the job for you