Generate CRUD code a second time

Hello all,

I am working on a Yii project started by another developer and I have reached a point where I want to add a new major feature. This mean that I will need to add a new model, view, controller, and a new database table. Is there a way that I can use Yii to generate CRUD code a second time for the new files without having it over write what is already there (for the other components)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Sorry if this is a newbie question, I am just learning Yii.

If they are new files (models, controller etc) then they won’t overwrote your existing files. Generate the files using Gii for each entity separately.

I recommend using GiiX or Gii-Template-Collection (aka GTC), because they help you to preserve the code you already has, and only overwrite the "base" files… take a look at them in Yii extensions page.

Thanks smartidiot,

I did it no problem.

thanks I’ll take a look at that too.