CActiveRecord->count() DISTINCT

Hi everyone, I’m new to Yii and I have a problem with CActiveRecord->count().

My code is as follows:


$criteria = new CDbCriteria(array(

 'select' => '*',

 'with' => array(

   'model' => array(

     'select' => FALSE,

     'joinType' => 'LEFT OUTER JOIN',

     'condition' => ' = :id',

     'params' => array(':id' => 2,),


   'attributes' => array(

     'select' => 'value',

     'joinType' => 'LEFT OUTER JOIN',




$criteria->addInCondition('attributes.value', array_values(array('Colour' => 'Red',  'Plug' => 'UK',)));


$type = ProductType::model()->find($criteria);

echo $type->count($criteria);

My problem is that this last line calls the following SQL:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `t`.`id`) FROM `product_type`...

Yet I need the query not to include the DISTINCT keyword. I’m not completely sure why this is happening seeing as I don’t set ‘distinct’ in my criteria.

Does anyone have any ideas?


I’m not actually sure what the problem is, invoking DISTINCT on a primary key doesn’t make any difference because a primary key is already distinct/unique. CDbCommandBuilder::createCountCommand() is what CActiveRecord::count() invokes and if you really don’t want the distinct, you can specify the count select manually just before you call CActiveRecord::count().

$criteria->select = 'COUNT(`t`.`id`)';

echo $type->count($criteria);


Well I get duplicate records due to my joins, this may mean that my database structure isn’t perfect, yet I would like to count these duplicate records.



I was just wondering if anyone had any solutions?


i encountered a similar problem. only to discover a strange behavior.

this my relation

'trip'=>array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Holidays', 'tour'),

Initially this was my search

public function search()


		// @todo Please modify the following code to remove attributes that should not be searched.

		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;


		$criteria->with = array('trip'=>array('select'=>'id, title'));

		$criteria->together = true; 


		$criteria->condition = 't.tour = :tid';

		$criteria->params = array(':tid' => $_GET['id']);



		$criteria->compare('trip.tour',$this->tour, true);









		return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(




With the above as is it could only return a single row. Then i realized when i comment the following 3 columns it worked and return the number of rows i expected based on my query condition. i don’t understand how the 3 columns could be problematic. There are of decimal(10,2)

public function search()


		// @todo Please modify the following code to remove attributes that should not be searched.

		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;


		$criteria->with = array('trip'=>array('select'=>'id, title'));

		$criteria->together = true; 


		$criteria->condition = 't.tour = :tid';

		$criteria->params = array(':tid' => $_GET['id']);



		$criteria->compare('trip.tour',$this->tour, true);









		return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(




The 3 columns fields are all of decimal data type decimal(10,2)

What U need is to group your criteria, something like $criteria->group = ‘’, this will save U from duplicating and also provide correct counting.

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