Question: CActiveRecord - Relations to other model via non-primary key ?

Hello, everyone…

I have a homework that required me to retrieve data via relational models. Here’s the simplified models that i have:

Model1 attributes are:

  • id

  • username

  • member_number

Model2 attributes are:

  • id

  • member_number

  • start_date

  • expired_date

My teacher ask me to retrieve both start_date and expired_date values based on member_number. So, i put this relation in Model1:

public function relations()


	return array(

		'mn'=>array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Model2', 'member_number'),



However when i try this:

echo Model1::model()->findByPk(1)->mn->start_date;

it returned nothing.

A friend told me that the relation is invalid, since i am using member_number as foreign key which it’s not the primary key in Model2.

So, what do i have to do from this point? What kind of relation in Model1 should i use?

Thanks in advance for advices.

  1. relation should be HAS_ONE not BELONGS_TO, please refer to this wiki article;

  2. why not make member_number in model2 as primary key?

Hello, thanks for fast reply.

  1. I’m studying it now. Thanks for the link.

  2. I can’t do nothing regards the model since the database structure is given, and no modifications allowed.

Please understand that i’m just studying php and Yii for few weeks. Thanks.


After several googling and trial-errors, i have managed to make it work, by changing Model1’s relation to:

public function relations()


        return array(

                'mn'=>array(self::HAS_ONE, 'Model2', '', 'on'=>'mn.member_number=t.member_number'),



It works, yes. But i’m still have no idea of what happened here. :unsure:

i’m new here too, impressive already for a starter of weeks. good job

You may see you requests directly at your page.

I usually add these lines to my config file:


your params,





your params,



                	'levels'=>'error, warning',






And one more notice (for other people finding this topic), this solution:

public function relations()


        return array(

                'mn'=>array(self::HAS_ONE, 'Model2', '', 'on'=>'mn.member_number=t.member_number'),



will work with eager loading only.