Set eventhandler to the config

I work with the user module yii-user.

There I need an event afterLogin().

Thats my controller code:


	 * Displays the login page


	public function actionLogin()


		if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {

			$model=new UserLogin;






			// collect user input data




				// validate user input and redirect to previous page if valid

				if($model->validate()) {






			// display the login form


		} else



Here are my event code:


	 * This function raises the onAfterLogin event

	 * @param event


  public function onAfterLogin($event) {

		$this->raiseEvent('onAfterLogin', $event);



	 * This method is invoked from loginController action login

	 * @param event


  protected function afterLogin() {

    //Attach the eventhandler

		$this->onAfterLogin=array('Ad', 'handleAfterLogin');

    $this->onAfterLogin(new CEvent($this));


This worked how it should, but I try to attach the eventhandler in my config file but this doesn’t work.

How can I do this?