
Hi guys,

The usage for extension Pophpcommand… How to use the usage code and need throw the code at where?? I still new in Yii translation message. Thanks.

Example Usage

Retrieving translation strings

protected/yiic emessage message    --> this line need throw at where? view? controller?

Convert .php to .po

protected/yiic emessage php     --> this line need throw at where? view? controller?

(beware of the header and specially the nplural formula)

Convert .po to .php

protected/yiic emessage po

Finding duplicates

protected/yiic emessage duplicates

Finding duplicates without considering the case

protected/yiic emessage duplicates --caseSensitive=false

Getting translation statistics

protected/yiic emessage statistics

Getting help

protected/yiic emessage

anyone got use this extension before? pls help… Thanks

Anyone know how to use this extension?