Internationalization (I18N)

Hi guys,

how to find all the word that needed to translate directly instead searching page by page and list down the word that needed translate in Internationalization (I18N).

Thanks mans.

anyone got solution?? Pls helps.

Maybe with this extension or this one ?

Hi all,

Currently i working on Internationalization translate English to Chinese. Let say i have more than 50 pages contains function example like Yii::t(‘user’,‘user profile’) and so on. I already create a folder protected/messages/zh_cn.

Now the problem is how to find all the words that needed to translate in

Yii::t('user','user profile')

and throw it into array automatically to user.php under protected/messages/zh_cn/user.php, Or i required to search the 50++ pages manually and write down the words one by one??

// example user.php in zh_cn folder

return array(

    'Company' => 'XX',

    'Create' => 'XX',

    'View' => 'XX',

    'Update' => 'XX',

Very grateful if can help me in this problems. thanks.