Fancybox gallery from link


How can i make a link to open a gallery like in example from (Image gallery from bottom), is that possible?

I don’t want to display all the images as thumbnails, just a link which one pressed display the fancybox loaded with some images i choose.

I’ve tried using the same config as the example there but it doesn’t work in yii.

Thank you.

Have you tried fancybox extension ?

Yes, that’s the extension i’m talking about, but, i need the gallery to be fired up from a link and not from image thumbnails.

The example from their website works but i can get the extension to do the same thing.

Thank you.

Try something like:

<?php echo CHtml::link("Testing Fancybox","#photo", array('class'=>'gallery')); ?> 

<div style="display:none">

<div id="photo"><img src="http://dev/auth/thumbs/3002001333483313_0012.JPG" /></div>




    array( 'target'=>'', 


                'titleShow' => true, 





P.S. Don’t forget to change image url.

I am tying similar thing, and I did as suggested by johonunu , but the images are showing vertically and that too in thumbnails. I need to show bigger images when clicked like gallery style.

I have written my own code for image uploads and cropping, need to integrate gallery.

Also click on More Images, hides the images showing from before and shows them vertically , which is not desired.

 <ul class="imglist">

 <div id="photos">                                       	  	


 	for($row=1; $row>=0 && $row < 5 ; $row--){ ?>


   	<li><img rel="same" src=<?php echo "images/uploads/thumbs/".$resArr[$row]['file']; ?> border="0" /></li>


     <?php } ?>



<div class="al01">

	<div class="fl_left al01 tx12_blu"><?php echo CHtml::link("More Photos","#photos", array('class'=>'gallery')); ?> </div>




    array( 'target'=>'', 


                'titleShow' => true, 








Please suggest.