Render CListView without HTML code

Hi people,

I’m trying to write a CSV file using CListView as I thought the ability to customise the output for each column would allow me to simply have each column echo out the data followed by a comma, with a “\r\n” at the end of each row. This is working perfectly for me, except that the CListView render also outputs a bunch of HTML:

<div id="yw0" class="list-view">

<div class="summary">Total 6 result(s).</div>

<div class="items">



<div class="keys" style="display:none" title="...

Basically, I just want CListView to output the content of the "items" div, without any of the HTML either side of it. Does anyone know if this is possible, or do I need to use output buffering to grab all of the output into a string, then filter out the part of the string that I need?