AJAX popup form


I am developing an app in which i want to display an HTML for in PoPup ( and background page get blurred/grayed) and submit this form using AJAX. is there any reference /Help available regarding this please point me.

e.g while issuing some items on itemIssue page, if an item is not there in drop-down list, user click link (or select add new item in same drop down) and a pop up window containing ItemAdd form displays, after filling the item detail, clicking submit, user remain on same itemIssue page, but now itemList drop down is updated with new item via ajax and user can issue that item now.

Thanx in advance

start from here:


(In addition to bettor)

For your example, you may after checking bettor’s link, look here: http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/72/cjuidialog-and-ajaxsubmitbutton

(don’t trust the title, it’s more than it seems to be :slight_smile: