Removing Images Button and placing a text Field


I am new to Yii framework. I need to removed the view/update/delete button in admin manage pages, instead of that i just show the text link with customized color. Please help me how to do that…

thanks in advance


Check this documentation for the update -

Find the same for other buttons :)

Hey i tried that to… But when i set false… It throws a icon with image options…

Can you give me a working example… I tried both way by changing core framework CButtonColumn.php as well as changing in my view options.


In my view page



	   // 'template'=>'{view}{update}{delete}',



   		 'view' => array







			 'update' => array




and also tried by public $viewButtonImageUrl=‘false’; in CButtonColumn.php

I like to give links like View | Update | Delete (With customized color)… Give me a idea

thanks in advance


It’s not working because you put it inside the “buttons” property… put that line just bellow the ‘class’ line…