What's the best practise to validate GET attributes used to filter results


I’m just wondering what the best practise with Yii is to validate GET attributes that are being used to filter results. If you take a look at my action index controller below, you will see I’m filtering results by the month and year.

	public function actionIndex()



		if(isset($_GET['filter_month']) && isset($_GET['filter_year']))


			$filter_month = $_GET['filter_month'];

			$filter_year = $_GET['filter_year'];


			$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Log', array(


			        'condition'=>"user_id='".Yii::app()->user->id."' AND (YEAR(date)='$filter_year' AND MONTH(date)='$filter_month')",



		} else


			$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Log', array(











So what would be the best way to validate $filter_month and $filter_year to safeguard against XSS etc?


Here is idea:

public function actionIndex()



                if(isset($_GET['filter_month']) && isset($_GET['filter_year']))


                        $filter_month = $_GET['filter_month'];

                        $filter_year = $_GET['filter_year'];

                $criteria = new CDbCriteria();

$criteria->condition = "user_id = :title AND (YEAR(date)=:filter_year AND MONTH(date)=:filter_month)";

$criteria->params = array(':title'=>$_GET['title'], ':filter_year'=>$filter_year, ':filter_month' = $filter_month);

                        $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Log', array(





                } else


                        $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Log', array(









