[EXTENSION] JToggleColumn

Column for CGridView which toggles the boolean ( TINYINT(1) ) value of model attribute. Tested with Yii 1.10.


Download: http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/jtogglecolumn/files/jtogglecolumn.zip


Extract downloaded zip to your components or extensions directory.

If you extracted to extensions directory add this line to import array in your /config/main.php :







Define a JToggleColumn in your CGrid widget:

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(












                    'name'=>'is_active', // boolean model attribute (tinyint(1) with values 0 or 1)

                    'filter' => array('0' => 'No', '1' => 'Yes'), // filter





                    'name'=>'visible', // boolean model attribute (tinyint(1) with values 0 or 1)

                    'filter' => array('0' => 'No', '1' => 'Yes'), // filter

                    'checkedButtonImageUrl'=>'/auth/images/check.png', // checked image

                    'uncheckedButtonImageUrl'=>'/auth/images/uncheck.png', // unchecked image

                    'checkedButtonLabel'=>'Uncheck this', // tooltip

                    'uncheckedButtonLabel'=>'Check this', // tooltip







)); ?>

Create action in your controller:

public function actionToggle($id,$attribute)




        // we only allow deletion via POST request

        $model = $this->loadModel($id);

        $model->$attribute = !$model->$attribute;


        // if AJAX request (triggered by deletion via admin grid view), we should not redirect the browser


            $this->redirect(isset($_POST['returnUrl']) ? $_POST['returnUrl'] : array('admin'));



        throw new CHttpException(400,'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.');



Don’t forget to add this action to controllers accessRules.

This is my first extension.

All suggestions are welcome!

GIT Repository


Man, this is incredibly useful for my project, but i can’t make it work.

I’ve done everything you said but i’m getting the message in the picture.

What am i doing wrong?

Yeah I also find this extension very useful for my current project.

Sadly it doesnt work with CArrayDataProvider as it always tries to read $data->primaryKey which is not available in CArrayDataProvider.

I’m pretty new to Yii and OOP in PHP in general, but I tried to fix this issue.

I also changed the way the column-data is provided.

In my case I needed to know the row-id (provided with $data[$this->grid->dataProvider->keyField]) and the column-id (using $data[$this->name]).

It may be a better solution to use another property than “name” for this… :)

Maybe someone else can use it or contribute a better solution…

In Main Class after :

 private $_assetsUrl;


 private $_isArrayData = false;

Add this to "public function init()" (this after the if-statements,before $this->initDefaultButtons)

        if (get_class($this->grid->dataProvider) === 'CArrayDataProvider')

            $this->_isArrayData = true;

In "protected function initDefaultButtons()", replace:

            $this->toggle_button = array(

                'url' => 'Yii::app()->controller->createUrl("toggle",array("id"=>$data->primaryKey,"attribute"=>"' . $this->name . '"))',

                'options' => array('class' => $this->name . '_toggle'),



        if ($this->_isArrayData) {

            $this->toggle_button = array(

                'url' => 'Yii::app()->controller->createUrl("toggle",array("id"=>$data[$this->grid->dataProvider->keyField],"attribute"=>$data[$this->name]))',

                'options' => array('class' => $this->name . '_toggle'),



        else {

            $this->toggle_button = array(

                'url' => 'Yii::app()->controller->createUrl("toggle",array("id"=>$data->primaryKey,"attribute"=>"' . $this->name . '"))',

                'options' => array('class' => $this->name . '_toggle'),



Hello everyone,

I am very happy I found this extension and I am using it in my project.

Unfortunately, I am having a very strange error. The extension does not work on table rows that have a datetime set to default "0000-00-00". This is my schema:

[font="Courier New"]


| content_id | index_id | active | name | content_url 	| description      | release_date | ...


| 1      	| 1    	| 0  	| KTK  | NULL        	| KTK Description  | 0000-00-00   | ...

| 2      	| 2    	| 0  	| VTV  | NULL        	| VTV Description  | 0000-00-00   | ...

| 3      	| 3    	| 0  	| RTP  | NULL        	| RTP Description  | 2012-06-15   | ...


When I click the toggle icon on the CGridView for row #1 or #2, it does not work. When I click the toggle icon for #3, it works fine. If I add a date into #1’s “release_date” then toggling #1 works fine.

Can someone help me figure this out please? I am using Yii 1.1.10

Thank you very much!


Found the solution, in fact it was in the Extension page of Yii Wiki. The solution is to open up ToggleAction.php (or the SwitchAction.php) file and change:




Hope this helps the next guy. Thank you for a great extension :)

I’m glad you found solution. I will correct it as soon as I have some time ;)


I am having trouble achieving something with JToggleColumn. I would like that on every toggle, the action to be logged to a specified Log table in the database.

For example, I have 2 models: Contents and ContentsLog. I already have it working so that each time a record (in Contents model) is created/updated/deleted, the ContentsLog model is written a row. So, if a Contents record is created, a new row in ContentsLog is created at actionCreate() that reads something like “Content (XYZ) was created at 12:10 PM on July 7, 2012” (it’s divided into columns but I’m keeping it simple for sake of example).

I am still searching the right spot in JToggleColumn code where I could add this logging capability. I will report if I figure it out before you post :)

But please if you have any tips, let me know.

I appreciate the great plugin!


Wow! Figured it out! I cannot be the only Yii user who posts a question on the forum and then finds the answer a couple hours after. This feels so good. I guess it’s the power of Yii and developers like @johonunu. Anyway, on to my solution:

In the Contents controller, I added the following "logger" function:

public function dataLogger($logData)


  	$contentsLog=new ContentsLog;

  	$contentsLog->content_id = $logData["content_id"];

  	$contentsLog->user_id = $logData["user_id"];

  	$contentsLog->description = $logData["description"];

  	$contentsLog->validate(); // Validate the data against the ContentsLog model

  	if ( !$contentsLog->save() ) {

  	  	return false;


  	  	return true;



Then in the ToggleAction.php file, I modified the code to look like this:

public function run($id,$attribute) {

   	$logContent = array(); // This must be declared at the start of function



   	   	// we only allow deletion via POST request

   	   	$model = $this->controller->loadModel($id);

   	   	$model->$attribute = ($model->$attribute==0)?1:0;

   	   	$logContent["actOrDeact"] = ($model->$attribute==0)?"deactivated":"activated";

   	   	if ( $model->save(false) )


   	   	   	# Compile log message


   	   	   	$logContent['user_id']=1; // Hard-coding user for now until I setup user management

   	   	   	$logContent['description']= 'Content "'.$model->name.

           	   	   	   	   	  	'" (#'.$model->content_id.

           	   	   	   	   	  	') was '.$logContent["actOrDeact"].

           	   	   	   	   	  	' by user "1" (#'.$logContent["user_id"].')';

   	   	   	if ( $this->controller->dataLogger($logContent) )


   	   	   	   	echo "DATA LOGGED FINE!!!"; // Just my quasi-debugging here, you can ignore this


   	   	   	   	echo "DATA NOT LOGGED FOR SOME REASON!!"; // Quasi-debugging here


   	   	   	// if AJAX request (triggered by deletion via admin grid view), we should not redirect the browser


   	   	   	   	$this->redirect(isset($_POST['returnUrl']) ? $_POST['returnUrl'] : array('admin'));



   	   	throw new CHttpException(400,'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.');


I hope this helps someone who needs to include logging into the great JToggleColumn extension. As always, if more experienced developers have a better way to do this, please share your tips as I would love to make the code faster/shorter.

Happy coding!

Great! Nice to see some code examples for others to see. I am glad you like my extension ;)


I am using this extension in Yii’s datagrid. However, whenever i toggle between column statuses, pagination and search criteria are reset and i am taken to page 1 again with clear filters. Can you please help me with that.