Search and Filter on sub-form

Hi All.

I was hoping to embed a searchable form for Subscribers inside a Campaign view, but I cant sort or search this new form. (I was hoping to have 4 seperate searchable forms in tabs…)

Hope someone can help explain the correct way to approach this. I’ve only been learning Yii for a few weeks and seem to keep hitting these snags, but usually Google show the way !

Campaign View:

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(















						'value'=>'CHtml::link($data->fkCustomer->name, array("customer/view", "id"=>$data->fk_customer_id))',



















CustomerSubscription Model

	//Data provider for subscribers

	public function getDPSubscribers()


		return new CActiveDataProvider('CustomerSubscription', array(


						'condition'=>'fk_campaign_id=' . $this->id,

						'order'=>'fk_customer_id ASC',







Hi Greendots,

The problem seems to reside in the controller, not in the view.

CGridView is designed to be updated by its ‘ajaxUrl’ which defaults to the current page URL.

If your current controller for the page (probably “actionSomething” in Campaign controller) doesn’t handle the CustomerSubscription model, then it won’t update the grid.

Try something like this …

// in CampainController

public function actionSomething()


	// Campaign

	$model = new Campaign;

	// AJAX request

	if (isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax'] === 'campaign-form')


		echo CActiveForm::validate($model);



	// POST from the form



		$model->attributes = $_POST['Campaign'];






	// CustomerSubscription grid

	$model2 = new CustomerSubscription('search');

	$model2->unsetAttributes();  // clear any default values

	if (isset($_GET['CustomerSubscription']))


		$model2->attributes = $_GET['CustomerSubscription'];


	$this->render('something', array('model' => $model, 'model2' => $model2));



// You have to change your view code just a little ...

In short, it’s a mixture of actionCreate() in CampaignController and actionAdmin() in CustomerSubscriptionController. You can easily construct it from your gii-generated CRUDs.

Thank you mate, the help was very much appreciated.

I updated the controller and got it working with:



Now just to investigate the filtering.

-Cheers mate