update two divs using ajax each of the divs in turn has renderPartial


I am trying to update two divs usings ajax link.

here is my ajaxlink code

array('Favourites/account_favourite/'.$Member_ID), // the URL for the AJAX request. If empty, it is assumed to be the current URL.


'type'=>'POST', //request type


'success'=>'function(data) {




and this is my function code…

public function actionAccount_favourite($id)


$submenu='sub menu table';

$detail = 'details';

// return data (JSON formatted)

echo CJSON::encode(array(







which works properly and i get the result in my two divs… but i want to use renderPartial to update the divs which gives prob…

this is the function i wrote :

public function actionAccount_favourite($id)


// return data (JSON formatted)

echo CJSON::encode(array(






can anyone tel me where i am going wrong?

You actually "render" the view when you need to return it.

So it’ll be:

public function actionAccount_favourite($id)


// return data (JSON formatted)

echo CJSON::encode(array(




