100 faq pages - how to organize - DB driven or static

I have an app where i want to publish a faq. The faq is basically a bunch of common questions ( how do i do this, that, etc… ) Over a hundred questions/pages

How would you organize this? static pages. one page per question, or db driven.

in other words, where, in the yii standard structure would i put these pages? Is it easier to create a table (ex.faq question 67 (text, images, etc… ) or just do static pages?

i think it is easier to write something like blog system and fill it up with faq questions like posts. and then do whatever you want with them

if your app is already db-driven, then it is no problem to create a table for your faq

otherwise have a look at yii’s doc/guide (svn/git-repo), it’s based on files


It’s more flexible to use DB as in future you possibly would like to setup search function or allow user to comment faq articles.

Please don’t use static pages.

Your time should be worth something!
