

$this->getTableAlias(false, false); in default scope returns t for the all the models. whereas different models as different alias like c etc, Any hellp why this problem is caused.


Praveen J

I also have the same problem! :(

Any CActiveRecord will default the alias to ‘t’, it is intended this way I believe. You can always change it with:


I’m not sure why you would want to do that though.

Hi ksangers,

how do i place the same in default scope, i tried setTableAlias, its also defaulting to t. Problem is when fetching from single table it defalut scope works fyn without alias, but when fetching using joins i need to change the alias, either set or get but both defaults to t. So how i resolve this.


Praveen J.

I’m not sure I follow, could you show me when your issue occurs? A bit of code will probably make this alot clearer :)

Hi ksangers,

Ok sorry for the typos,

This is my default scope for user table

return array(

        'condition' => ' = "Y"'


now when i execute a cdbcriteria like

$testCriteria = new CDbCriteria(array(

                        'join' => 'left join department d on u.user_id = d.user_id'

                        'condition' => ' = "Y"' 

                        'alias' => 'u'


$model = Users::model()->find($testCriteria);

Works fine.

Now when i try

$testCriteria = new CDbCriteria(array(

                        'condition' => 'user_id = 1' 


$model = Users::model()->find($testCriteria); show error saying u.user_id is unknown column,

if i do $this->setTableAlias = ‘u’; in default scope it wont work. because alias is defaulted to ‘t’ .

Hope i am clear this time… :) any idea…


Praveen J

You could add the following line to the defaultScope() method:

$this->tableAlias = 'u';

I don’t believe that is what you want though. Did you make CActiveRecord models of all tables? If so, I would keep the defaultScope more like this:

public function defaultScope() {

  return array(

    'condition'=>'[t].[active] = "Y"',



Now to get the records you need:

$firstCriteria = new CDbCriteria(array(


  'condition'=>'[departments].[user_id] = [t].[user_id] AND [departments].[active] = "Y"',


$model = Users::model()->find($firstCriteria);

$secondCriteria = new CDbCriteria(array(

  'condition'=>'[t].[user_id] = 1',


$model = Users::model()->find($secondCriteria);

I hope this helps out :)

Hi ksangers,

Thanks for the reply. :) Your first solution $this->tableAlias = ‘u’; was the thing i was talking about. Thats what i used for the default scope and yeah have created CActiveRecord models for all the tables. Now when i use

public function defaultScope() {

$this->tableAlias = ‘u’;

return array(

'condition'=>' = "Y"',



Instead of using [t], because i have already used users table around many places with alias ‘u’. It shows me an sql error

– select * from users ‘t’ where = ‘y’ – :) see even though i specified ‘u’ as the alias its still taking ‘t’…

Sorry for the all the confusion… Hope now its clear… :) :) :)

In that case you might want to set the tableAlias via init(), add the following to your Users class:

public function init() {



This will cause every instance of that class to have ‘u’ as the alias I believe.

Hi ksangers,

:) its still taking t for the model…

Have added this function

public function init() {



in users model class… :)


Praveen J

I don’t think that should be possible, I’ve even tried a little application with






and it worked. There might be something else going wrong with your code.

Hi ksangers,

Thank you for all the inputs… :) Let me check the code and try to resolve the code…


Praveen J