Chain of caching

I’ve searched this forum but not found any topic about chain of cache.

So I write this post, hope this will help someone, and please let me know if there has any problem in code.

I face a scenerio when I need caching in chain like this:

$_GLOBAL(cache in one request) -> MEMCACHE -> DBCACHE -> FILECACHE …

So, this is the code:



 * Chain of responsibility pattern

 * Configure in main.php like these:


 *              'cache'=>array(

 *                   'class'=>'application.components.ChainCache',

 *                   'chainCache'=>array(

 *                       array(

 *                           'class'=>'GlobalCache', //cache for a request (a static $variable)

 *                       ),

 *                       array(

 *                               'class'=>'CDbCache',

 *                               'autoCreateCacheTable' => true,

 *                       ),

 *                   ),

 *               ), 


class ChainCache extends CCache {


     * Array of Cache classes configured in main.php

     * @var array 


    public $chainCache = array();


     * Default expire time of a cache when it's auto set a value

     * @var integer 


    public $defaultExpireTime = 300;


     * Array of cache components, corresponding to $chainCache config

     * @var array 


    private $caches = array();


     * Lowest level cache.

     * @var CCache


    private $cache;

    public function init() {


        if (empty($this->chainCache)) {

            throw new Exception('No cache class declared in [chainCache] configuration');


        $c = count($this->chainCache);


        for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {

            $this->caches[$i] = Yii::createComponent($this->chainCache[$i]);


            $behavior = new ChainCacheBehavior();

            $this->caches[$i]->attachBehavior('nextCache', $behavior);


        for ($i = 0; $i < $c - 1; $i++) {

            $this->caches[$i]->assignNext($this->caches[$i + 1]);


        $this->cache = $this->caches[0];


    protected function getValue($key) {

        $val = $this->cache->getValue($key);

        if ($val == false) {

            $cache = $this->cache;

            $previous = $cache;

            while (($cache = $cache->next) != null) {

                $val = $cache->getValue($key);

                if ($val !== false) {

                    $previous->setValue($key, $val, $this->defaultExpireTime);

                    return $val;


                $previous = $cache;



        return $val;


    protected function setValue($key, $value, $expire) {

        $ret = $this->cache->setValue($key, $value, $expire);

        if ($ret === true) {

            $cache = $this->cache;

            while (($cache = $cache->next) != null) {

                $ret = $cache->setValue($key, $value, $expire);

                if ($ret === false)

                    return $ret;



        return $ret;


    protected function addValue($key, $value, $expire) {

        $ret = $this->cache->addValue($key, $value, $expire);

        if ($ret === true) {

            $cache = $this->cache;

            while (($cache = $cache->next) != null) {

                $ret = $cache->addValue($key, $value, $expire);

                if ($ret === false)

                    return $ret;



        return $ret;


    protected function deleteValue($key) {

        $ret = $this->cache->deleteValue($key);

        if ($ret === true) {

            $cache = $this->cache;

            while (($cache = $cache->next) != null) {

                $ret = $cache->deleteValue($key);

                if ($ret === false)

                    return $ret;



        return $ret;


    protected function flushValues() {

        $ret = $this->cache->flushValues();

        if ($ret === true) {

            $cache = $this->cache;

            if (($cache = $cache->next) != null) {

                $ret = $this->cache->next->flushValues();

                if ($ret === false)

                    return $ret;



        return $ret;




 * Add a new property for CCache's child classes


class ChainCacheBehavior extends CBehavior {

    public $nextCache = null;

    public function assignNext($cache) {

        $this->nextCache = &$cache;

        return $cache;


    public function getNext() {

        if ($this->getOwner() != null)

            return $this->nextCache;

        return null;



class GlobalCache extends CCache {

    private static $global = array();

    protected function getValue($key) {

        if (isset(self::$global[$key]))

            return self::$global[$key];

        return false;


    protected function setValue($key, $value, $expire) {

        self::$global[$key] = $value;

        return true;


    protected function addValue($key, $value, $expire) {

        if (!isset(self::$global[$key])) {

            self::$global[$key] = $value;

            return true;


        return false;


    protected function deleteValue($key) {


        return true;


    protected function flushValues() {


        return true;



How to use:

  1. Copy the code above into a file named ChainCache.php (protected/components/ChainCache.php):

  2. Define the config for caching in main.php

return array(








                            'class'=>'GlobalCache',//class in ChainCache.php




                            'autoCreateCacheTable' => false,


                       //define new cache classes if need





  1. Use in your code:

Yii::app()->cache->set('test', 'Hello');


That’s all.

Thanks for reading.