
hi all,

now I’m trying to display datepicker , then after the user select certain date and press submit , the selected date will be displayed under the button

here is my try



echo CHtml::beginForm(array('site/index'), 'post');

$this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', array(

    'name' => 'anyName',

    'value'=> $myDate,

    'flat' => true, // tells the widget to show the calendar inline



echo CHtml::submitButton('submit');

echo CHtml::endForm();

if (isset($_POST)) {

    echo $myDate;



how can I do my job with out model class

edit : solved as following :

index view code


echo CHtml::beginForm(array('site/index'), 'post');

$this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', array(


    'name' => 'myDate',

    'flat' => true, // tells the widget to show the calendar inline



echo CHtml::submitButton('submit');

echo CHtml::endForm();

if (isset($_POST)) {


    echo $n;



and in the controller in index action method


             $n = $_POST['myDate'];   


and send $n to the view

thanks :)