How to set ActiveRecord table name dynamicly

For instance:

$ar = new ArTable();



My problem is:

Follw Yii ActiveRecord Design, table name must be set when constructed, especially for ::model() static method, that’s losting lost of flexibility.

Can you tell us, please, some more details?

Looking for something like this?

public function actionSomething ($table){

   $ar = new ArTable();






and that will find everything from table users. Also, you can set default table by:

public function actionSomething ($table='some_table')

I hope that is what you are looking for.

Hi, dstudio, It’s about database sharding:

$ar = new ArTable();

This setTable(assumed) method:



will allow you to choose different sharding tables(set specific table name) after ArTable constructed.

Or can we assign table name to ArTable when it’s constructed like:

$ar1 = new ArTable(‘shardding_table_1’);

$ar2 = new ArTable(‘shardding_table_2’);

That would be nice too, It’s not realistic to creat every class file according to every shard_table which have the same database structure.

Or there is other way on current yii version? To set table name when ar class is initiating.

public function tableName(){}

Won’t work. Because getting a sharding table name must have a sharding key passed into the tableName() function, unless we introduce an external dependency in tableName():

class ArTable extends CActiveRecord{

 public $sharding_table;

 public function tableName(){


       global $sharding_table;

       $this->sharding_table = $sharding_table;


    return $this->sharding_table;



The execution flow is(Just prototyping):

$sharding_table = 'table_1';

$ar1 = new ArTable();

..then $ar1 is with table_1

$sharding_table = 'table_2';

$ar2 = new ArTable();

..then $ar2 is with table_2

Though it’s workable but not secure

Can you normalize the database table and use single table inheritance?

That still need to create specific classes for different shards in my point:(

In zend framework docs, I saw it can to this:

"The schema and table names may also be specified via constructor configuration directives, which override any default values specified with the $_name and $_schema properties. A schema specification given with the name directive overrides any value provided with the schema option."

which give flexibilities.

Why should it be in such a strange manner? You don’t need globals. Next code seem to be similar to what You need:


 * @property string $shard Shard defining suffix to be added to table name.


class ShardedActiveRecord extends CActiveRecord


    private $_shard;

    public function tableName(){

        return get_class($this) . '_' . $this->shard;


    public function setShard($shard) {

        $this->_shard = $shard;

        return $this;


    public function getShard() {

        //Just to have meaningful default behavior

        if($this->_shard === null){

            $this->_shard = 1;


        return $this->_shard;



class Model extends ShardedActiveRecord{


     * @static

     * @return Model


    public static function model(){

        return parent::model(__CLASS__);



$recordsFromShardOne = Model::model()->setShard(1)->findAll();

$model = new Model();

$model->shard = 2;

//do other stuff

The point is:

IN THE Process OF CActiveRecord initiation, the __construct() or ::model() method will call tableName() immediately to read the table meta info , which give no chance to call setShard($shard), you will have to


$ar = new ShardedActiveRecord(); <- In this inside __construct() tableName() will be called before setShard($shard) take place




I not sure if set table name after new ShardedActiveRecord() will work, It’s not tested yet.

I looked through the code in different places, and I think it should work with such an addition


 * @property string $shard Shard defining suffix to be added to table name.


class ShardedActiveRecord extends CActiveRecord


    private $_shard;

    public function tableName(){

        return get_class($this) . '_' . $this->getShard();


    public function setShard($shard) {

        $this->_shard = $shard;

        call_user_func(array(get_class($this), 'model'))->_shard = $shard;


        return $this;


    public function getShard() {

        //Just to have meaningful default behavior

        if($this->_shard === null){



        return $this->_shard;



You may also play with getMetaData() and getTableSchema() to make it return different values depending on current tableName() value;

I’ve edited code above after some testing. Now it seems to work. :)

Thanks Yurko, I’ll try it out :)

i got the same problem here my code

class AutoPay extends CActiveRecord


	public $tname = '';

	public function __construct($tname = '',$scenario='insert')



		$this->tname = $tname;






	 * Returns the static model of the specified AR class.

	 * @param string $className active record class name.

	 * @return Pay the static model class


	public static function model($className=__CLASS__)


		return parent::model($className);



	 * @return string the associated database table name


	public function tableName()


		echo $this->tname;exit;

		return '{{'.$this->tname.'}}';


error:Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of ‘512’ reached, aborting!

I have reached your own conclusion,

and the same error :slight_smile:

	private $tab = 'experiments';


	public function __construct($scenario) {

		$this->tab = 'well_it_works';		

		parent::__construct($scenario); // chiamo il costruttore padre




	public function __construct($table = 'table_test',$scenario='search')


		$this->tab = $table;

		parent::__construct($scenario); // chiamo il costruttore padre


Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 261900 bytes) in /var/www/yii-1.1.9.r3527/framework/db/ar/CActiveRecord.php on line 48