Adding IDs and Classes to Array Items

I’m a Yii newbie but have experience with PHP. I’m working on a site that is running on the Yii Framework.

Yii Framework Version: 1.1.4

Goal: I’m trying to add IDs and/or Classes to links (i.e. Sign In, Sign Out) that are built using an array. Here is the code:


class WUserMenu extends UMenuWorklet


	public $show = true;


	public function accessRules()


		return array(array('allow','users'=>array('*')));



	public function properties()


		return array(


				array('label'=>$this->t('Sign In'), 'url'=>array('/user/login'), 'visible' => app()->user->isGuest),

				array('label'=>$this->t('Sign Up'), 'url'=>array('/user/login'), 'visible' => app()->user->isGuest), //added this 1-25-12

				//array('label'=>$this->t('Sign Out'), 'url'=>array('/user/logout'), 'visible' => !app()->user->isGuest),

				array('label'=>$this->t('My Stuff'), 'url'=>array('/deal/coupons'), 'visible' => !app()->user->isGuest)



				'class' => 'clearfix'





	public function taskRenderOutput()




			$model = app()->user->model();

			$model->scenario = 'fullName';

			$this->render('welcome', array('model'=>$model));





I tried adding this in the array: ‘active’=>$this->id==‘default’, but it didn’t work.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated!

If i got your question, here’s how you can do it:

//For adding a class to a link

‘url’=>array(’/deal/coupons’), ‘linkOptions’ => array(‘class’ => ‘activeLink’)


Thanks, but that didn’t work. All it did was add another LI to the UL that contains those links. No class was added.

I just want to add a class to one of the links in this array:

public function properties()


		return array(


				array('label'=>$this->t('Sign In'), 'url'=>array('/user/login'), 'visible' => app()->user->isGuest),

				array('label'=>$this->t('Sign Up'), 'url'=>array('/user/signup'), 'visible' => app()->user->isGuest), //added this 1-25-12

				//array('label'=>$this->t('Sign Out'), 'url'=>array('/user/logout'), 'visible' => !app()->user->isGuest),

				array('label'=>$this->t('My Stuff'), 'url'=>array('/deal/coupons'), 'visible' => !app()->user->isGuest)



				'class' => 'clearfix'




You didn’t get my answer really, to whatever item you want a class assigned, just add this to the array:

'linkOptions' => array('class' => 'activeLink')

The code i shared earlier was just an example.