Passing value from form to form

Hi… Please help me

First in my index page there is a form like this:


Fields with * are required.

First Name *

[textbox here]

Password *

[textbox here]

Email *

[textbox here]

Gender * oMale oFemale

[Register button]

if register button is clicked the inputs should be validated and if all the inputs are valid this will proceed to the next form passing all of its input value to this from

Create Useraccounts

Fields with * are required.

First Name *

[textbox here] ---->this should contain the value from previous form

Last Name *

[textbox here]

Password *

[textbox here] ---->this should contain the value from previous form

Password Repeat

[textbox here]

Email *

[textbox here] ---->this should contain the value from previous form

Gender * Male Female ---->this should contain the value from previous form

Seeking a * Male Female

Date of Birth *

[textbox here]

Country *

[dropdownbox here]

State/Province *

[dropdownbox here]

City *

[dropdownbox here]

[Continue Button]

In controller action for first form, after successful validation, you can redirect control to another action:

$this->redirect( array(‘site/next_action’,‘first_name’=>$first_name,…));

And then in view of next_action, load those parameters.

There is one more way, using sessions, but I think the way I suggested above is easier to implement.

I already did that…the problem is when I am passing the value of password it will appear in the url…

and the other problem is about validation, On the first form it will prompt an error that date of birth,country, province, city is required, because that was defined in my rules needed for the validation in the second form.

how exactly are you supposed to load the parameters?