ajaxLink - Accessing Data Parameters in sucess function

Dear All ,

Below is the ajaxLink code I am using . I am posting car_type and car_id to my controller , after its successful return in “success”=>‘js:function(data){ }’ is there any way I can get car_type and car_id . Thank You

echo (














		    "onclick"=>"if (!confirm('Are you sure?\\r\\nYou are going to unregister for this place.')){return}"





Yii Fan

To whatever controller you’re posting your data, echo back the car_type and car_id using the CJSON::encode, catch that in your success: function(data) { data.car_type and data.car_id}

Here’s a rough alteration to your code:









                        alert(data.car_type + data.car_id);



Inside your controller:

$data = array(‘car_type’ => $_POST[‘car_type’], ‘car_id’ => $_POST[‘car_id’]);

echo CJSON::encode($data);

Just a rough editing to your code to help you understand as I said. Ofcourse there are ways and depends on how your controller looks like.

Hope this is clear.

Thank You rookie84 and that helped me


Yii Fan