Custom url class doesn't append url suffix.

I needed to use a custom url class to generate/parse some database rules:

class PageUrlRule extends CBaseUrlRule


    public $connectionID = 'db';


    public function createUrl($manager,$route,$params,$ampersand)





                return $params['nice_url'];


        return false;  // this rule does not apply



    public function parseUrl($manager,$request,$pathInfo,$rawPathInfo)


        if(preg_match('%^[a-z0-9\-\/]+$%', $pathInfo, $matches))










            $result->where('nice_url=:url AND `status`=:st', array(':url'=>$url,':st'=>Page::STATUS_ACTIVE));

            $result = $result->queryRow();




                return 'page/index';



        return false;  // this rule does not apply



Now everything works as expected, the only issue is that even though i set up a “.html” suffix for my urls, the urls generated by this custom class don’t have that suffix.

Anyone knows a fix for this ?