ctree (Moco tree extension)


Ready to show for you just another version of the ajax loaded ctree

The extension page: http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/ctree/

  • Allows multi level data load: static and dynamic (Ajax)
  • Allows use of the any nodes template
  • Allows single selection and multi-selection
  • Allows onClick and onLoad functionality
  • Easy to use of static data init and the dynamic JSON creation 

	 Template of the row : 

	 array( 'nodeId' => '',			- identificator of the node. Autogenerated if blank

	        'nodeTitle' => '',		- title of the node

	        'selected' => false,		- whether node is selected

	        'isOpen' => false,		- whether node need show opened

	        'nodeChildren' => array()       - array of the child nodes

	        'nodeTemplate' => ''		- how to show single node

	        'nodeUrl' => ''			- the url with the child nodes json. CTree::$url used by default

	        'hasChildren' => false	        - whether children exists for the node



The latest version of the ctree you could find on the server now

The extension page: http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/ctree/

The latest changes:

  • added style for scrolling - scroll: auto 
  • fixed the single selection mode in the sub-nodes
  • fixed some onclick issues
  • fixed issue of the tree loading when the several trees placed on the single page
  • fixed design issues (added images dir to the release file)