HOW to get Detail Data from Relations

Hi, I have this models

This is the header:


 * This is the model base class for the table "t_cuota_def".

 * DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It is automatically generated by giix.

 * If any changes are necessary, you must set or override the required

 * property or method in class "CuotaDef".


 * Columns in table "t_cuota_def" available as properties of the model,

 * followed by relations of table "t_cuota_def" available as properties of the model.


 * @property string $id

 * @property integer $fk_grado_id

 * @property string $vigencia_desde

 * @property integer $fk_cuenta_contable_id


 * @property TGrado $fkGrado

 * @property TCuotaDefDetalle[] $tCuotaDefDetalles


abstract class BaseCuotaDef extends GxActiveRecord {



	public function relations() {

		return array(

			'fkGrado' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Grado', 'fk_grado_id'),

			'tCuotaDefDetalles' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'CuotaDefDetalle', 'fk_cuota_def_id'),




and This is the detail:


 * This is the model base class for the table "t_cuota_def_detalle".

 * DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It is automatically generated by giix.

 * If any changes are necessary, you must set or override the required

 * property or method in class "CuotaDefDetalle".


 * Columns in table "t_cuota_def_detalle" available as properties of the model,

 * followed by relations of table "t_cuota_def_detalle" available as properties of the model.


 * @property string $id

 * @property string $fk_cuota_def_id

 * @property string $fk_concepto_cuota_id

 * @property string $importe


 * @property TCuotaDef $fkCuotaDef

 * @property TCuotaConceptos $fkConceptoCuota


abstract class BaseCuotaDefDetalle extends GxActiveRecord {


	public function relations() {

		return array(

			'fkCuotaDef' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'CuotaDef', 'fk_cuota_def_id'),

			'fkConceptoCuota' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'CuotaConceptos', 'fk_concepto_cuota_id'),





And in the view action in the header controller I want to setup the data for Header and detail:

	public function actionView($id) {

		//$detalle = new CuotaDefDetalle('search');

		$CuotaDef = $this->loadModel($id, 'CuotaDef');

		$detalle = $CuotaDef->tCuotaDefDetalles;


		$this->render('view', array(

			'model' => $CuotaDef, //$this->loadModel($id, 'CuotaDef'),

			'detalle'=> $detalle,



in the view I want to use CGridView widget:

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(

	'id' => 'cuota-def-detalle-grid',

	'dataProvider' => $detalle,

	'columns' => array(












But I get an error that I cannot use this kind of object:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getData() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\yii\framework\zii\widgets\CBaseListView.php on line 105

I understand thet the widget needs a DataProvider object , how can I convert the line:

$detalle = $CuotaDef->tCuotaDefDetalles;

to a data provider object?

Best Regards

$detalle in your view is an array. So there is no way you can throw array to ‘dataProvider’ attribute in CGridView.

What you do in view instead:

public function actionView($id) {

                $CuotaDef = $this->loadModel($id, 'CuotaDef');

                //start here...

                $detalleModel = new CuotaDefDetalle('search');

                $detalleModel->fk_cuota_def_id = $id; //add manually the cuota_def_id to detalle's search criteria

                $detall = $detalleModel->search();

                //end here....

                $this->render('view', array(

                        'model' => $CuotaDef, //$this->loadModel($id, 'CuotaDef'),

                        'detalle'=> $detalle,



Also, depending on attribute data type, may need to add


right after instantiation.


Thank !

I’ll test it and let you know !

Untested by me but this is simpler and should perform better

public function actionView($id) {

  $CuotaDef = $this->loadModel($id, 'CuotaDef');

  $detalle = new CActiveDataProvider('CuotaDefDetalle', array(


      'condition' => 'fk_cuota_def_id = '.$id



  $this->render('view', array(

    'model' => $CuotaDef, //$this->loadModel($id, 'CuotaDef'),

    'detalle'=> $detalle,


