Is Yii really as fast as it claims to be?

I checked out the Yii benchmark page and am very impressed by the results of the tests - and who couldn’t be by those numbers?!

I found this article from someone who is contesting these results ( )

I’m not looking to start a war… I’m really just curious about what you guys have to say about it. I’m new to Yii and don’t know enough to see all the in’s and out’s myself. I know Yii uses lazy loading extensively, but would that really give it that much of an advantage? What other factors contribute to the speed of Yii?

The article raises a fair point. To really benchmark an apples to apples comparison would require an app written to a certain spec that would be implemented in several frameworks in the same manner. This will probably never happen because I doubt there is a person who knows various frameworks well enough to put a fair test together.

What the simple benchmark does is show how much extra overhead a framework adds over raw php.