Nothing selected in checkBoxList after save

Hi all :)

I have a problem with my checkBoxList: after my form has been sent (and the attributes saved), the selection of the checkboxes is gone.

But when I then access the page again without sending the form first, the correct checkboxes are selected again.

I save the value of the checkboxes as a serialized array to the database and unserialize in my model afterFind().


<?php echo $form->checkBoxList($memberModel, 'qualification', array(




)); ?>


protected function afterFind()


   $this->qualification = unserialize($this->qualification);



public function actionEdit()


   $memberModel = Member::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->info->id);

   if (isset($_POST['Member'])) {

      $memberModel->attributes = $_POST['Member'];



   // Render [...]


Why are my checkboxes not selected after my form has been sent, but when I reload the page without sending the form, they show?

Best regards


I found out that by the time I call save(), the $memberModel is already loaded. I need the model before I assign the attributes, so I’m not sure what the best solution is, but a $this->refresh() after save() solves the problem.